
What are my options?

When it comes to IOLs, there are quite a few options to consider, each with its own unique benefits and considerations. It's essential to discuss your lifestyle, visual preferences, and eye health with your eye surgeon. They will evaluate your specific needs and help you choose the most suitable IOL to optimize your vision correction and enhance your quality of life after cataract surgery.

Monofocal IOL

This type of lens is designed to provide clear vision at a single fixed distance, usually for distance vision. It means that you may still need glasses for near or intermediate vision tasks like reading or using a computer.

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Monofocal+ IOL

This is an advanced version of the monofocal lens that aims to provide good distance vision while also providing functional vision at intermediate distances. It can be helpful for tasks like watching media on a computer or tablet, but you may still need glasses for close-up activities.

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Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) IOL

EDOF lenses use advanced optical design to extend your range of clear vision for improvements in both intermediate and distance vision. With an EDOF lens, you can often reduce your reliance on glasses across various activities.

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Multifocal IOL

Multifocal lenses are designed to correct vision at multiple distances, typically for both near and distance vision. They have different zones or rings on the lens surface that allow you to focus on objects at various distances. This type of lens can reduce your dependence on glasses for both near and distance vision.

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Trifocal IOL

Trifocal lenses take multifocality to the next level by providing an additional focal point for intermediate distances. With three different zones or rings on the lens surface, trifocal IOLs enhance your vision at near, intermediate, and distance distances. This means you can enjoy clear eyesight for tasks like using a computer, reading, and more.

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Accommodating IOL

Instead of zones or rings on the lens, accommodating lenses use the muscles in your eye to mimic the natural focusing ability of your eye's lens. By adjusting the position of the lens within the eye, accommodating IOLs allow you to focus on objects at different distances. With an accommodating IOL, you can typically enjoy improved vision from distance through near without relying heavily on glasses.


Small Aperture IOL

Small aperture lenses are designed to be paired with a monofocal or monofocal toric IOL in your other eye, allowing you to see with excellent vision, from near to far. These lenses feature a smaller opening that lets light into your eye and can extend your range of clear vision, providing better eyesight for both near, intermediate and distance tasks. Small aperture IOLs can significantly reduce your need for glasses in various situations.

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Toric Option

Additionally, some of the above IOL options may also come with a toric option. Toric lenses are specifically designed to correct astigmatism, a condition that affects the shape of the cornea or lens. By addressing astigmatism, toric IOLs can help enhance your overall visual clarity.

Vision With Incorrected Astigmatism VS Vision With Toric IOL